The Farmers Behind the Maze
We purchased our farm back in 1999 with hopes and dreams of expanding our cattle herd. Being a very young couple and not thinking of the extra bills that come along with land (especially the tax bill) made us doubt our decision.
Needing some extra income to pay taxes, we happened upon an article in a farm magazine about corn mazes and this guy from Utah that created them. Shortly after in 2001, Shelby Corn Maze was established not only to bring in some extra income, but also to create a really cool farm experience where families could come together for unique fun.
Over the years, our three children, Malia, Jed and Lana, have been our inspiration on the different games and activities associated with the corn maze. Our kids have been a huge help when it comes to the Fall season as well as working on the farm year-round! We still have beef cattle, but our largest emphasis is currently on poultry. We have ten poultry houses that keep us real busy.
While Gene primarily tends the beef cattle and chickens, I have my own animals that I love to care for. I currently have goats, sheep, pig, bison and donkeys and am always looking for more animals to add to our family.
After all these years of operating Shelby Corn Maze, our passion for this business is still as strong as the first year. We love watching families interact and spend time with one another at the farm.