Our Pumpkin Patch is the real thing!
We grow quite a few varieties here at the farm — you’ll find yummy pumpkins for cooking, pretty pumpkins to paint or carve, and unusual colors and shapes of pumpkins that make lovely fall decorations! And we grow gourds, too.
Take a hayride out to the Pumpkin Patch this fall. Learn the charming story about Spookley, The Square Pumpkin. Take your camera, because there are delightful photo opportunities when kids meet pumpkins!
Pick just one pumpkin to take home — or pick a few! They are sold by the size, not by the pound.
On the top row: Super Herc, Field Trips, Magic Lantern, Gladiators.
On the bottom row: Silver Moon, Magic Wand, Warty Goblin, Mystic Plus.
Experience an authentic old-fashioned Fall Harvest Festival at Shelby Corn Maze! Enjoy 25+ Attractions including our pumpkin patch, hay rides, corn maze, giant jumping pillow, and more!
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