Cornundrum in the Corn Maze

Cornundrum in the Corn Maze!

Getting lost in the towering corn stalks at Shelby Corn Maze is a BLAST! As you meander along, you’ll find silly brain teasers along the way. Since we’re corny folks, we call ’em CORNundrums. Get it??? See if you can guess them all and enter our Grand Prize Drawing at the maze exit. 

Experience an authentic old-fashioned Fall Harvest Festival at Shelby Corn Maze! Enjoy 25+ Attractions including our pumpkin patch, hay rides, corn maze, giant jumping pillow, and more!

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Cookin’ Up Pumpkin

Cookin’ Up Pumpkin

Fall is the time of year for cooking up those tasty savory pumpkin soups and the creamy, sweet pumpkin pie. Yum! Here are some great pumpkin varieties perfect for cooking up those cool-weather comfort foods!

Cooking Pumpkins
All pumpkins are not created equal when it comes to cooking. Jack O’Lantern varieties are stringy and super bland in flavor. Instead, opt for varieties that are sweet, flavorful, and have a smoother texture. Look for pumpkins that are labeled as ‘sugar pumpkins’ or ‘pie pumpkins’. These varieties include Baby Pam, Autumn Gold, Lumina (these are white pumpkins), Cinderella, and Ghost Rider. The best cooking pumpkins should be between 4-8 pounds.

Keep your pumpkins fresh by placing them in a cool temperature. When stored properly, pumpkins can last up to a whopping 90 days! You could be making pumpkin pies well past Christmas! Also, pumpkin purée freezes very well for future cookery!

Experience an authentic old-fashioned Fall Harvest Festival at Shelby Corn Maze! Enjoy 25+ Attractions including our pumpkin patch, hay rides, corn maze, giant jumping pillow, and more!

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Pumpkin Pretties

Decorating Pumpkins

Painting pumpkins instead of carving them has several perks. They last longer than carved ones. You don’t have to worry about your kids (or your better half) cutting themselves. Plus, you can be as creative as you want to be with glitter, stickers, or whatever else your inner Picasso desires!

Pick a Pumpkin
The perfect painting pumpkin has a smooth, even surface. Be sure to choose one without bruises, scratches, and lumps. Unless lumpy is the look you’re going for, of course. Great painting pumpkin varieties include Baby Pam, Sugar Pie, Lumina, or Cotton Candy. 

Clean Your Pumpkin
You can use a damp cloth or paper towel to gently remove the dirt and grime from your pumpkin. Avoid using items like rough scrubbing pads as this can damage your pumpkin’s skin and potentially bruise it. Use a soft cloth to thoroughly dry your pumpkin and be sure to keep the stem area dry. A wet stem or blossom (the bottom of your pumpkin) can cause your pumpkin to rot. 

Get Artsy
When it comes to pumpkin painting, the design options are endless! Stencils and stickers are easy options for younger kids while older painters might like to take on more intricate designs. 

Pumpkin Painting Tools
Acrylic paint is a great option for painting pumpkins as it dries quickly and allows you to paint over the first layer in a short time period. Go-to painting tools include cheap paint brushes, cotton swabs, sponges, and cotton balls. A damp cloth works great for wiping away any mistakes. 

Time to Decorate!
Make your pumpkin shine with fun embellishments like glitter, sequins, pom poms, or rhinestones. Add googly eyes to create faces! Incorporate glow-in-the-dark paint to make your pumpkin stand out at night!

Experience an authentic old-fashioned Fall Harvest Festival at Shelby Corn Maze! Enjoy 25+ Attractions including our pumpkin patch, hay rides, corn maze, giant jumping pillow, and more!

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